The Hunchback lifter – Rounded back Deadlifts – Part 1
Who’s this article for?
1) If you don’t Deadlift – DON’T bother
2) If you’re a novice lifter, coach or trainer – Part1
3) If you’re a geek love lifting and want to know the mechanics – Go for the Longer version – Part 2
1) Neutral Spine technique
2) Kyphotic lifting posture
3) Full flexion (towards end range)
Short & Sexy
No matter your experience of lifting never lift in end range flexion under maximal load!!
Then dependent on your level of adaption and experience, you can either adopt a neutral or Kyphotic-lifting technique based on your style and weakness.
In terms of picking a style here’s a guide to help:
1. Never use a full range flexion technique, especially with beginners (Image 3)
2. If you have an unhealthy spine or previous history of spinal injuries. = Use a neutral lifting posture (Image 1)
3. New to lifting with no long term adaption of the spinal structures = Use a neutral lifting posture (image 1)
4. Healthy spine, with years of the training and have a weaknesses in the hip musculature (aka prime movers of the deadlift) – Neutral lifting posture (image 1)
5. Healthy spine, years of the training and have the mechanics or weakness that require a modified technique – Kyphotic lifting technique (image 2)